
Embrace Summer: The Significance of Having a Plunge Pool

"frame yurts for sale

It may surprise you to learn that the pool machinery was intended to be kept under the white decking. Yes, there is a trap door that leads to a secret stairway that descends beneath the deck and houses the gas heater and filtration system.  Do you want to create a pool but lack the necessary space? Maybe the solution to your backyard dreams is […]

What You Should Know About Fabric And Wooden Yurts

cedar plunge tub for sale

Are you considering building a second house or holiday home out of wooden yurts? At Shelter Designs, we like yurts in all forms, sizes, and materials! We’ve centered our lives on the idea of yurt living as an adventurous and ecological alternative, even though we sell cloth yurts.  Why is there anything so fascinating about wooden yurts that everyone finds […]

Examining Hidden Benefits Of Cold Plunge

cedar plunge tub manufacturers

One form of cold water immersion treatment that is beneficial to both the body and the psyche is the cold plunge. It entails spending several minutes completely submerged in cold water. There are many different types of cold plunges available. Perhaps, ranging from simple ice barrels to sophisticated all-in-one bathtubs with built-in water purification and chilling systems. It provides a genuine […]

A Guide To Yurts: The Sustainable Housing Option

frame yurts manufacturers

With several advantages over traditional homes, yurts are an amazing and versatile type of living. Due to their round shape, portability, and environmental friendliness, yurts are a well-liked choice for those looking for a flexible and sustainable housing solution.  In this comprehensive guide, we will look at yurt design and history and provide practical tips for yurt construction and life. Your decision […]

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